Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It is hard to believe it has almost been a month since our announcement post!  Well, here's where we've been:  ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN OF PAPERWORK!  But I'm excited and happy to announce that we have made it to the bottom and we are DONE!!

Friday 6/15--we received our finalized Home Study
Saturday 6/16--we sent off our I-600A to USCIS (which they've received--confirmed by tracking!)
Saturday 6/16--we got our dossier notarized--thanks to a special birthday boy--you know who you are!
Monday 6/18--compiled our dossier and agency contract (along with the fees--gulp!) and sent it off!

I can say that the heavy pressure I was experiencing in my chest is now gone--whew! (Heather)

We now are in that phase,  I (Heather) am so horrible at...WAITING.  Waiting on a referral...but know the day will come!

This past week I, (Heather) was having a horrible time at being patient, waking up to the realization that this could be a LONG process--to the point of not feeling well.  Then I was reminded...who am I to tell the Lord when to give us a child?  He has it all planned out, and even though I want it NOW, He knows who that child is and when they'll need us--He knows what is best.

Please keep us in your prayers as we...WAIT.  I think it will be the hardest part!

We'll keep you posted and you'll hear from us soon about a local fundraiser that is in process!

Thanks for reading,
Daniel & Heather