Thursday, September 13, 2012


We have a huge announcement!!!!  On August 29th, 2012 we received what we've been waiting for:  a referral of a little 2-month-old boy!!!  We are super excited to have a son (who is now almost 3-months-old)!  We, unfortunately, cannot share any other information besides that right now.  But wanted to give you this exciting news and thank you so much for your prayers during this part of our process.

A lot will wonder:  what's next?  The staff in Ethiopia are getting all the paperwork ready to be submitted to court.  When it is ready, it will be submitted, then a judge has to review it and issue a court date, then we get notified and we go for court.  This is the actual adoption court hearing, though we won't be able to bring our little one home on the first trip. =(  All paperwork has to go through US Embassy for processing and visa, etc.   All of that has to be complete before we can bring him home.  The hopeful timeline is:  Court--late November/early December; Home--January/February.

Please continue to pray for us during this's hard seeing pictures and not being able to be with our little man and hold him!  Pray that God would expedite this paperwork and that it go smoothly!  We know His hands are already on it and with it, and it's all in His control!

If you would please pray for our little man, "G".  Yes, he does have a name (though we are unable to share it).  We are still trying to decide on a first name and will keep his given name as his middle name.  For now, we're introducing him as "G".

Waiting Impatiently,
Daniel & Heather

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